Usos docentes de la aplicación Instagram en Historia de la Fotografía

  1. Vega de la Rosa, Carmelo
Imaginar y Comprender la Innovación en la Universidad: VII Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad de la Laguna
  1. Vega Navarro, Ana (coord.)
  2. Stendardi, David (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de La Laguna

ISBN: 987-84-15939-57-3

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 289-302

Congress: Universidad de La Laguna. Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la ULL (7. 2016. La Laguna)

Type: Conference paper


The project of educational innovation Teaching uses of the Instagram application in History of Photography, aims to reinforce, by experimenting with new educational and social tools and strategies, the development of certain skills and abilities among the students of History of Photography (3rd year degree History of Art), through the promotion of creativity, the management of new technologies as a medium for the study and diffusion of the work of art, and direct knowledge of different formal and visual languages, theories and artistic techniques used throughout history, to understand how they act in the construction of the aesthetic thinking. Using Instagram, the project has introduced, with excellent results, new work systems for students, involving the knowledge and control of new technologies for creating and editing digital photographic images and the application of dynamics of diffusion through social networks. In both cases, the creation, reflection and critical analysis, the exhibition and defense of discourses (beyond the traditional education context), as well as feedback, discussion and defense of ideas are encouraged.