Fósiles inteligentesaplicaciones educativas de los modelos tridimensionales de los lagartos gigantes de Canarias

  1. Carolina Castillo Ruiz
  2. María del Carmen Alfayate Casañas
  3. Agustina Ahijado Quintillán
  4. Penélope Cruzado-Caballero
  5. Josep Fortuny
  6. Federico Bernardini
De la innovación imaginada a los procesos de cambio
  1. Ana Vega Navarro (coord.)
  2. David Stendardi (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de La Laguna

ISBN: 978-84-15939-62-7

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 323-332

Type: Book chapter


The Paleontology Area of La Laguna University has been developing a collection of digital models of fossils in order to use them in education and divulgation. It has been shown that the use of digital models are effective in getting closer the general public to the results obtained in scientific research. Based on the experience gained in previous work where multimedia contents were created from fossil invertebrate materials, the Paleontology Area has started a new project with present and fossils remains of endemic giant lizards from the Canary Islands belonging to the Gallotia genus. The project consists of two stages: firstly, scientific information will be obtained and secondly in which the results will be adapted to generate multimedia contents. The first results of the project were microtomographies, modeling and impressions of specimens under study. This stage has been successfully carried out. Moreover, the study and acquisition of paleobiological information that will be used in both phases has begun.