Personas mayores y uso del espacio público. Un estudio de caso en la ciudad de Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  1. Carmen Rosa Delgado Acosta
  2. Carmen Gloria Calero Martín
XIX Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (2010)
  1. Morales Padrón, Francisco (coord.)

Publisher: Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria

ISBN: 978-84-8103-650-3

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 721-733

Congress: Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (19. 2010. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Type: Conference paper


Assuming the objective of demonstrate that public spaces’ influence on elderly welfare, use by this collective of the Plaza Weyler is analyzed, one of the most important at symbolism and identity of the city outdoor public zones, located in the Center-Ifara district of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canarias). Using a methodology that combines systematic direct observation and open interviews, its structural and morphological characteristics and use of itself depending on the genre, are analyzed. It shows remarkable contrasts between male and female using the public area. Finally, as a conclusion, the suitability of the area for elderly, so the possible upgrades that could enhance its use by this collective, are valued.