El concepto de infancia en nuestra sociedaduna investigación sobre teorías implícitas de los padres
ISSN: 0210-3702, 1578-4126
Year of publication: 1985
Issue: 31-32
Pages: 157-172
Type: Article
More publications in: Journal for the Study of Education and Development, Infancia y Aprendizaje
Implicit theories that parents hold about their children were empirically explored. Several theories, whose historical origin is well known, were selected: homunculo, nativistic, environmentalist, willfulness, constructivist, medical and Roussonian. Using normative techniques the following results were established: a) the statements� domain for each theory; b) their typicality and polarity, and c) the degree of stability of such indexes. A chronometric technique was used convergently, finding a systematic relationship between verification latencies and typicality; and also between consistency of truth judgements and typicality. Finally, the existence and consistency of implicit theories in parent�s conceptual systems were tested, detecting remarkable preferences for the constructivist, environmentalist and willfulness theories
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