Metrópolis. La imagen de la ciudad a través de la cámara de Fritz Lang

  1. González Chávez, Carmen Milagros
Revista Latente: Revista de Historia y Estética del Audiovisual

ISSN: 1697-459X

Année de publication: 2006

Número: 4

Pages: 41-52

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista Latente: Revista de Historia y Estética del Audiovisual


«Metropolis. The image of city through the Fritz Lang’s camera». This paper tries to explain the Fritz Lang’s architecture and town-planning designs influences that were used in the sets of Metropolis. All over the film there so many references to the Expressionism, the Futurism and the Rationalism (Bruno Taut, Antonio Sant’Elia, Mies van Der Rohe, Le Corbursier and Ludwing Hilberseimer). This is a movie in which we can find out so many confrontations between the outer city (the privileged class) and the underground city (the working class), between the money and the worker, between the past (Babylonia) and the future (the Megalopolis in 2026) and between opened and lightened areas (stadium, the Garden of Eden) and dark places (factories and catacombs). Metropolis alludes to the biblical past (Tower of Babel) but, at the same time, it’s a reference to other movies about the future with stratified cities, different traffic heights, airways, pedestrian and covered streets, high and slender skyscrapers, and finally, outside lifts and illuminated signs