Derecho y lenguajeEl lenguaje administrativo de Canarias

  1. Prieto González, Luis Fernando
  2. González Rosario, Rosa Elvira
Estudios Canarios: Anuario del Instituto de Estudios Canarios

ISSN: 0423-4804

Year of publication: 2001

Issue: 46

Pages: 145-160

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios Canarios: Anuario del Instituto de Estudios Canarios


Considering Law as message, particularly documents, administrative acts and resolutions, we analyse firstly the statutory provisions regulating the form and content of administrative acts, both in National legislation (legislación del estado) and in that of the Canarian Region (Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias). Secondly, we suggest those festures which, according to different authors, language must present when working as a means of communication between the citizens an the administration: democratic language, linguistic appropriateness and communicative simplicity