El diseño corporativo editorialIdentificación visual de los libros de primaria, secundaria y bachillerato de la E. Afortunadas S.A.

  1. Hernández Vera, Jaime
  2. Espinosa Padilla, Luis Carlos
  3. Torres Franquis, Javier
  4. Ruiz Medina, Cristobal
  5. Hernández Correa, María Luisa
Revista de Bellas Artes: Revista de Artes Plásticas, Estética, Diseño e Imágen

ISSN: 1695-761X

Any de publicació: 2005

Número: 3

Pàgines: 209-246

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista de Bellas Artes: Revista de Artes Plásticas, Estética, Diseño e Imágen


This work deals with the description of the publishing design project with regard to the text books of the Canary Islands educational system. It forms part of a 15 year research project developed by a team of lecturers from the Drawing, Design and Aesthetics Department at the University of La Laguna which has resulted in theses and projects in publishing design and corporate publishing identity. In general terms, this has been a three-phase development process with the corporate image of the company being designed and all the products being given a graphic identity, linked to the historical, cultural and geographic characteristics of this region. Specifically, the design of text books for primary and secondary education and Bachillerato, after defining both the external aspects (covers) and internal (content) such as the quality of materials used, was formulated coherently according to the publishing needs in this education field

Referències bibliogràfiques

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