Pelargonium capitatum y Rumez lunaria, dos plantas invasoras en el Parque Nacional de Timanfaya (Lanzarote, Islas Canarias)Consideraciones ecológicas y fitosociológicas
- Wildpret de la Torre, Wolfredo
- Beltrán-Tejera, Esperanza
- González Mancebo, Juana María
- Centellas Bodas, Aurelio
ISSN: 0423-4804
Year of publication: 1994
Issue: 39
Pages: 9-16
Type: Article
More publications in: Estudios Canarios: Anuario del Instituto de Estudios Canarios
In this paper we come up to the problematic invasion in the National Park of Timanfaya of Pelargonium capitatum (neophyte) and Rumex lunaria (western canarian endemic plant), which make appear a problem in the conservation of the Par k; phytosoci ological data are provided. Moreover, sorne comentaries about the physical characteristics, flora, and consideration of the plant colonization and succession, are given