Análisis de la producción científica de la revista de enfermería ENE en los años 2007-2009

  1. Rodríguez Alvaro, Martín
  2. Toledo Rosell, Cristina
ENE Revista de Enfermería

ISSN: 1988-348X

Year of publication: 2009

Issue: 3

Pages: 12-24

Type: Article

More publications in: ENE Revista de Enfermería


Objective: To analyse the scientific production puored into the journal ENE since 2007 to 2009, determining productivity, collaboration, thematic area, type of article and study of bibliographical references. Material and method: A bibliometric, descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective analysis of articles published in this period. The data were processed using development by means of group of variables. Results: 55 analyzed articles. Professional area: fundamentally from hospital setting (61,82 %) for 23,64 % from the educational sphere. Origin: predominantly Canary Islands (70,91 %). Collaboration: 2,12 authors / articles. Thematic area: Medical-Surgical (21,82 %), followed(consecutive) by Mental Health (18,18 %). Type: most published they correspond(fit) to reviews (34 %), followed(consecutive) by investigation(research) (23,64 %). 610 references were analyzed. It(He,She) happens references / articles: 18,09. 38,69 % corresponds(fits) to manuals, for 37,38 % to magazines. Obsolescence: 5 years (4 for the references to magazines). Í. Price: 47,48 %. Í. isolation: 58,33 %. Indexed magazines: 128. More mentioned: Death Studies (4,82 %), Primary care (4,39 %), Obstetrics Ginecology (4,39 %), Metas de Enfermería and Magazine ENE (3,95 %). There were mentioned 22 (18 in Spanish) nursing journal, being the most mentioned: Metas, ENE, Index, Rol and Evidentia. Conclusions: ENE is in the line of similar publications in our context. It is necessary that the vehicles of scientific transmission establishs constant points to analyze the characteristics of his production. It is a necessary effort that will contribute rigor and quality.