Representación de mujeres y hombres en las noticias de la prensa nacional española

  1. Matud Aznar, María Pilar
  2. Rodríguez Wangüemert, Carmen
  3. Espinosa Morales, Inmaculada
Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia
  1. Leoz, Daniele (coord.)

ISSN: 1699-597X

Year of publication: 2012

Issue Title: Medios de comunicación, publicidad y género

Issue: 7

Pages: 9-24

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia


This study examines the portrayal of women and men in the news of Spanish daily newspapers. A quantitative content analysis was conducted on the news published on the Front page and in the National and International sections from 14 issues of a randomly selected, large circulation Spanish newspaper. We have found great inequality in the representation, both in the frequency with which each gender appeared as the central figure in the news -34% for men whereas only a 6.8% for women- and in their roles and occupations. The content analysis of the protagonists� occupation in the news threw light on many differences, and men appeared much more frequently than women in positions of power.

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