La Miseria del Oro Blanco. Impactos del neoliberalismo en la acuicultura del camarón (Puerto Morazán, Nicaragua)

  1. Cabrera Socorro, Gloria E.
Revista Atlántida: Revista Canaria de Ciencias Sociales

ISSN: 2171-4924

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 3

Pages: 87-112

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Atlántida: Revista Canaria de Ciencias Sociales


The imperialism of the financial powers of the world, and its counterpart the economic and political neoliberalism that makes flexible the markets and gives free field to the multinacional companies to manage to his convenience the value resources which they still are in the globe, is condemning to the misery and the premature death million people. All the institutions and political organisms of the planet recognize the problem of the increasing of the social inequality and extreme poverty anywhere in the world, nevertheless the official solutions to this panorama, using a typical metaphor of fishermen, are like the whiting that bites the tail. The Nicaraguan town of Puerto Morazan is a perfect example of the cruelest paradoxes of the neoliberalism of our days: with nearly 2500 people who, in spite of being the unique human population within a region that exports annually up to 25 million dollars in prawns, are trying to survive in the extreme poverty, according to the UN, with less than one hundred dollars per capita to the year. This article abounds in the mysteries of such contradictions, from a perspective of political economy, using compiled data from diverse sources during our ethnographic fieldwork on this area at the end of 2007.

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