El proyecto Guía-Inventario de Fondos y Colecciones de fotografía de CanariasAnálisis de resultados

  1. Carmelo Vega de la Rosa 1
  2. Clara Alonso Herraiz 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna. España
Revista Latente: Revista de Historia y Estética del Audiovisual

ISSN: 1697-459X

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 12

Pages: 9-21

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Latente: Revista de Historia y Estética del Audiovisual


The project Guide-Inventory of Archives and Collections of Photography in the Canary Islands (2009-2013). An analysis of results is the first step for the consolidation of photographic collection and recovery studies in the Canaries, following models of other similar projects carried out in Spain.