La problemática del restablecimiento del equilibrio económico en la contratación pública internacionalla crisis de la ampliación del Canal de Panamá
ISSN: 0034-7639
Argitalpen urtea: 2014
Zenbakia: 194
Orrialdeak: 475-508
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de administración pública
The Panama Canal expansion is one of the most important public works projects in recent times. Both the awarding of the contract and its execution have been surrounded by intense controversy. The head came in February 2014 when the contractor halted construction work due to the Canal authority’s failure to maintain the economic balance of the contract. This article explains the circumstances surrounding this dispute, focusing analysis on the causes and consequences of contractual amendments. These are classic problems that affect all public procurement systems. The lessons drawn from this extraordinary case are valid for other legal systems.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
- I. E. BENNETT (1915), History of the Panama Canal: its construction and builders, Washington, Historical Publishing Co.;
- I. CAMERON (1972), The Impossible Dream; the Building of the Panama Canal, New York, William Morrow;
- D. MCCULLOUGH (1977), The Path Between the Seas: the Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870- 1914, New York, Simon and Schuster.
- Informe del Oficial de Contratos sobre el proceso de Evaluación de las Propuestas Técnicas, de julio de 2009 (
- European Commission, EU Anti-corruption Report, report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, Brussels, 03-02-2014, COM (2014) 38 final, págs. 21- 36].
- J. P. BUEB (2006), La lutte contre la fraude et la corruption dans les marches publics, París, OCDE].