Síndrome pierde sal de origen cerebral tras un traumatismo craneoencefálico
- Selva Folch, Blanca
- González Bravo, M. N.
- García Rodríguez, Victoria E.
- Pérez Hernández, Rosalía
- Ormazábal Ramos, José Carlos
ISSN: 1131-6128
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 38
Issue: 3
Pages: 124-128
Type: Article
More publications in: Canarias Pediátrica
The electrolyte disturbances a..er acute damage in the central nervous system are well known. The three main syndromes that cause these changes are diabetes insipidus (DI), inappropriate an..diure..c hormone (SIADH) and cerebral salt was..ng syndrome (CSWS). Each of them has different clinical and laboratory features that allow us to diagnose: DI and SPC present with polyuria, however SIADH presents with oliguria. SPC and SIADH have hyponatremia unlike the DI. Some..mes it can be difficult to differen..- ate because they can coexist or precede each other, although it is not usual. They can cause serious altera..ons and for that reason it�s important to diagnose early and implement specific treatment. Present 9 years pa..ent with hyponatremia and polyuria support SPC a..er suffering a head injury