El ADN mitocondrial de los cazadores-recolectores de la región cantábricanueva evidencia de la cueva de El Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, España)

  1. Montserrat Hervella Afonso 1
  2. N. Izagirre 1
  3. M. González Morales 2
  4. L.G. Straus 2
  5. R.I. Fregel 3
  6. C. de la Rúa 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), España
  2. 2 Universidad de Cantabria, España
  3. 3 Universidad de La Laguna, España
Revista española de antropología física

ISSN: 2253-9921

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 35

Pages: 11-21

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de antropología física


We have analyzed the mitochondrial DNA variability of human remains recovered from the cave of El Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria). Although this is a small sample, is important to helping to increase our knowledge about hunter-gatherer groups from the Cantabrian region. The mitochondrial lineage of El Mirón, corresponds to rCRS belonging to haplogroup H. So far, only this mitochondrial lineage has been detected in other hunter-gatherer from cave of La Pasiega, also in Cantabria; however, this lineage has been found in the agro-pastoralist groups from Cantabrian Fringe and other regions of Europe, suggesting an increase in haplogroup H diversity beginning in Neolithic times.