El tratamiento sensacionalista y amarillista del suicidio por razones económicas en la prensa estatal y canaria a inicios de la crisis actual (agosto 2007-­‐enero 2009)

  1. Lara Carrascosa
Revista internacional de Historia de la Comunicación

ISSN: 2255-5129

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 5

Pages: 52-75

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/RIHC.2015.I05.04 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista internacional de Historia de la Comunicación


In the first part of the economic crisis (August 2007- January 2009), newspapers showed several suicides due to the escalating debts of people and other effects of the recession. Their treatment, however, was very different depending on the medium. Suicides associated with economic causes have two distinctive characteristics: the recommendation / prohibition to not publish suicides stories in order to avoid the calling effect and the simplistic view in the narration. According to the INE, the rate of suicides in Spain grew from 4’58 for each 100,000 people in 2006 to 7’27 in 2007 and 7’28 in 2008. In this researching, we take text about suicides related with the economic crisis in Canarian newspapers El Día, La Provincia/Diario de Las Palmas, Diario de Avisos and Canarias7 and state newspaper El País and El Mundo. In all of them, we analyse different cases in order to find out sensationalist and tabloid traits. The methodology consists in a first phase where we examine the four Canarian newspapers and select texts about suicides which were related with an extreme shortage situation in the economic crisis. In the second phase, we look for these news in state newspapers such as El País y El Mundo. Among the conclusions of this research, we find out that informations about suicides does not have a deep rooted analysis. Likewise, the news in the state newspapers have more sensationalist features than those in the Canarian papers. The last belong to press agencies, normally more austere in adjectives and details.

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