Prescripción de promoción de salud en las consultas de Atención Primaria

  1. Rosa Mª Gómez González
  2. Jerónimo Fernández González
  3. Mª Luisa Martín Arrate
  4. Mª Mercedes Dorta Espiñeira
  5. Eusebio Guillermo García
  6. Rosa Milagros León Rodríguez
Revista Iberoamericana de Enfermería Comunitaria: RIdEC

ISSN: 1988-5474

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 5

Issue: 1

Pages: 11-22

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Iberoamericana de Enfermería Comunitaria: RIdEC

Sustainable development goals


Objectives: To quantify health promotion activities (HPA) (2008-2009) in the basic health area (BHA- catchment area) in Tacoronte and the participating professionals, and to determine the views and the need for user training on health activities. Material and method: Cross-sectional observational study. Simple random sampling: users who attended the clinic between February and March 2010 and records of health activities carried out (2008 and 2009). Sources: record of activities (activity logs) in Excel spread data sheet; variables: professional category, name of workshop, number of participants and duration of the activity. Questionnaire designed and piloted in the center and aimed at users, 16 multiple- choice items, and variables: sex, age, educational level, occupation, previous diseases, lifestyle, and reason for consultation, frequency of consultations, health perception and information received from the professionals. Results: • 73 health activities were conducted with a total of 681 hours, aimed at 4,257 users. • 253 users answered the questionnaire. Worth pointing out is that 51% of the users did not work, 13% were diabetic, 20% smoked daily, 68.4% exercised, 44.27% had a medical consultation and 32% presented to the nursing consultation office without an appointment (walk-ins). 52.17% of these users felt that the professional could give them health information to remain healthy. Conclusions: The nursing personnel mainly performed health promotion activities. Users had a good perception of health. Their priority needs were nutrition, exercise and posture hygiene (body mechanics).

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