Prescripción de promoción de salud en las consultas de Atención Primaria
- Rosa Mª Gómez González
- Jerónimo Fernández González
- Mª Luisa Martín Arrate
- Mª Mercedes Dorta Espiñeira
- Eusebio Guillermo García
- Rosa Milagros León Rodríguez
ISSN: 1988-5474
Year of publication: 2012
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Pages: 11-22
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Iberoamericana de Enfermería Comunitaria: RIdEC
Sustainable development goals
Objectives: To quantify health promotion activities (HPA) (2008-2009) in the basic health area (BHA- catchment area) in Tacoronte and the participating professionals, and to determine the views and the need for user training on health activities. Material and method: Cross-sectional observational study. Simple random sampling: users who attended the clinic between February and March 2010 and records of health activities carried out (2008 and 2009). Sources: record of activities (activity logs) in Excel spread data sheet; variables: professional category, name of workshop, number of participants and duration of the activity. Questionnaire designed and piloted in the center and aimed at users, 16 multiple- choice items, and variables: sex, age, educational level, occupation, previous diseases, lifestyle, and reason for consultation, frequency of consultations, health perception and information received from the professionals. Results: • 73 health activities were conducted with a total of 681 hours, aimed at 4,257 users. • 253 users answered the questionnaire. Worth pointing out is that 51% of the users did not work, 13% were diabetic, 20% smoked daily, 68.4% exercised, 44.27% had a medical consultation and 32% presented to the nursing consultation office without an appointment (walk-ins). 52.17% of these users felt that the professional could give them health information to remain healthy. Conclusions: The nursing personnel mainly performed health promotion activities. Users had a good perception of health. Their priority needs were nutrition, exercise and posture hygiene (body mechanics).
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