La gestión de las cadenas de suministro en Cienfuegos
- Martínez-Curbelo, Gretel 1
- Feitó-Cespón, Michael 2
- González-Hernández, Gilberto Guillermo 1
Universidad de Cienfuegos
- 2 Univesridad de Cienfuegos
ISSN: 1692-8563
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 16
Issue: 1
Pages: 61-77
Type: Article
More publications in: Dimensión empresarial
This research studies the perception of managers about the relationship of key factors in the management of supply chains and the performance of companies, through the development of a set of structural equation models. The data is obtained from the opinion of the administrative staff of different companies in the corporate sector in Cienfuegos. It is used for this, a survey designed in which the customer service approach, integration and collaboration are measured as key factors of success in the performance of the supply chain. The results show that the majority of respondents do not perceive the importance of collaboration to improve the results in their companies; However, they point out the relevance of the client approach in the management of their organizations.
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