Validación de intervenciones enfermeras en el postoperatorio de cirugías laparoscópicas no complicadas en el Hospital Universitario de Canarias

  1. María de la O Álvaro Afonso
  2. Francisco Martín Rodríguez Solís
  3. María Mercedes Rodríguez Novo
  4. José Ángel Rodriguez Gómez
ENE Revista de Enfermería

ISSN: 1988-348X

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 13

Type: Article

More publications in: ENE Revista de Enfermería


Introduction and Justification: Nursing interventions were theoretically standardized through the Project for Standardization of Interventions for Nursing Practice (NIPE), identifying the interventions applicable to the related diagnostic groups (RDG). The levels of evidence lack sufficient clinical support and clinical validation studies are recommended. Aim: to classify the patients attended in the University Hospital of the Canary Islands (HUC) of uncomplicated laparoscopic surgeries performed by the General and Digestive Surgery Service (CGD) identifying standardized nursing interventions to GDR 494 (Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy without Exploration of the Bile Duct. complications) and validate them clinically, identifying the nursing activities of a selected intervention. Methodology: Retrospective descriptive observational study to determine and validate the most frequent standardized Nursing Interventions for RDG 494. Prospective descriptive observational study with self-questionnaire technique to determine the normalized activities for the Nursing Intervention "1400 Pain Management", in the context of the RDG 494. A Relational Database was developed with a population of 444 cases, coded by GDR according to the ICD-9-CM and with the nurse taxonomy NANDANIC-NOC. Results: GDR 494 was identified as the most frequent of the laparoscopic CGD surgeries of the HUC (27.25%). Clinically, 12 nursery interventions proposed in the NIPE project for GDR 494 were validated, of which 5 were selected with very high frequency (> 50%). Nine nursing interventions are proposed, selected in high and very high frequency, to be included in the theoretical models. The proposed activities for the nurse intervention "1400 Pain Management" were validated. Conclusion: It is observed that more than 60% of the interventions proposed in the NIPE project for GDR 494 were not selected. It is proposed to review and update theorized nursing interventions based on scientific advances and taxonomic changes every 5 years

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