Estudio epidemiológico de las urgencias pediátricas en el Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria

  1. Ángela Mª Ortega Benítez
  2. Cristobalina Rodríguez Álvarez
  3. Salvador Núñez Díaz
  4. Yurena María Rodríguez Novo
  5. Natalia Rodríguez Novo
  6. Oscar Rey Luque
ENE Revista de Enfermería

ISSN: 1988-348X

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Nummer: 13

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: ENE Revista de Enfermería


I The objective of the study was to know the demand for pediatric care in the Emergency Department of the NS Candelaria University Hospital and its characteristics, determining the user's profile, its main causes and the factors that influenced it.The study was a cross-sectional descriptive study of patients aged 0-14 years and companions, who requested urgent assistance during 01/01/31/12/2006. The data sources were: 1-Computer Service of the hospital for patient data and characteristics of care, 2-history of emergency for the reasons and diagnosis at discharge, and 3-telephone interview for socio-economic data and causes that motivated the visit. The sample was calculated in 400 cases to estimate the relative frequencies of the characteristics of interest with a reliability of 95% and an error of 5% considering that they would be manifested in 50%. For the estimation of the relative frequencies, SPSS 15.0® was used.The sample consisted of 407 children who in 82% of the cases came at the initiative of the companions, for non-specific, digestive or respiratory problems in 73%, the parents were married (64%), with primary studies (50%) , medium / low socioeconomic level (62%), used hospital emergency services for their proximity (18%), for perceiving them with a higher level of resources (19%), faster attention (23%) and ignorance of services of pediatric emergencies and pediatric specialists in Primary Care.In conclusion, indicate the need to develop education and health information programs focused on users for the rational use of hospital pediatric emergency services.

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