El mandato constitucional del fomento cooperativo y su desarrollo legislativo, 40 años después

  1. Juan Miguel Díaz Rodríguez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna

    Universidad de La Laguna

    San Cristobal de La Laguna, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01r9z8p25

CIRIEC - España. Revista jurídica de economía social y cooperativa

ISSN: 1577-4430

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 34

Pages: 51-89

Type: Article

More publications in: CIRIEC - España. Revista jurídica de economía social y cooperativa


The spanish Constitution of 1978 must be studied through a reading that is alien to partial political and ideological orientations and in accordance with the values consecrated in the Constitution itself. The constitutional loyalty in the interpretation of article 129 leads to unequivocal results on the content of that rule, like it or not. Based on this consideration, the broad normative, both state and autonomous, in cooperative matters is analyzed and, apart from the substantive regulation of these, it incorporates support measures for cooperativism and assesses whether these measures are sufficient or not, both from the constitutional optics. Separate mention is made of the organisms that have been created in a monographic way for the promotion of the social economy and, in particular, of cooperativism, highlighting the need for their rethinking, because they are closer to government positions than to citizens. In a complementary manner, eternal pending subjects are addressed, such as the one related to education legislation and that should be modified for the incorporation of novel contents regarding the social economy and cooperativism; or regarding the unemployed and the governmental diffusion of cooperativism, since focusing attention not so much on the abstract measures currently in force for the promotion of cooperatives, but also on the specific dissemination actions of the same, it is also advisable to assess whether from the corresponding Government bodies are fulfilling the aforementioned constitutional mandate of article 129 that binds all public authorities, including the Public Administration in its various orders.

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