Cambio en los niveles de las hormonas sexuales en el varón que envejece y su relación con la clínica y la calidad de vida.

  1. Queipo Zaragozá, Alfonso
Supervised by:
  1. P. Laporta Martín Director
  2. José María Martínez Jabaloyas Director
  3. Manuel Luis Gil Salom Director

Defence university: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 18 May 2007

  1. José Cabo Soler Chair
  2. Luis Gómez-Cambronero López Secretary
  3. Manuel Mas García Committee member
  4. Jesús Romero Maroto Committee member
  5. Antonio Cano Sánchez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 132189 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


INTRODUCTION: the changes in the hormonal sexual ones that take place in the male who ages associate with the clinic of ADAM syndrome. We have appeared if clinical this one can be related to these hormonal changes. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the changes of the sexual hormones, to establish values of reference of the total, free testosterone and biodisponible representative of hipogonadismo and to analyze the relation between the hormonal changes with regard to the clinic that associates him with ADAM syndrome as well as the affectation of the quality of life. MATERIAL AND METHOD: we have analyzed variables sociodemográficas, clinics, ADAM test, sexual health, quality of life MOS SF-36, parameters antropométricos, parameters of resorción bony and densitometría. Since analytical parameters we have determined the profile lipídico, the hormonal profile included the determination of the testosterone and his forms bioactivas obtained by the mathematical method, besides the DHEA-s decided also, androstendiona, estradiol, SHBG, LH, FSH and prolactina. CONCLUSIONS: the aging accompanies of a gradual hipogonadismo on a significant decrease of the total testosterone and in major degree of his free form as well as of the DHEA-s. The low limit of normality for the testosterone was of 2,5 ng/mL, for the free form of 0,228 nmol/L and for the biodisponible of 5,13 nmol/L. The most important factor of risk for the dysfunction eréctil and the decrease of the sexual desire is the age but the decrease of the free testosterone can influence the increase of the dysfunction eréctil. The decrease of the DHEA-s is correlated so much by the increase of the dysfunction eréctil as by the decrease of the sexual desire. The low levels of andrógenos present relation neither with the decrease of the bony density nor with the profile lipídico. The decrease of the levels of free testosterone can influence the corporal changes. The deficit of free testosterone and DHEA-s can cause a deterioration of the quality of life.