An epigenome-wide association study of total serum IgE in Hispanic children
- Chen, W.
- Wang, T.
- Pino-Yanes, M.
- Forno, E.
- Liang, L.
- Yan, Q.
- Hu, D.
- Weeks, D.E.
- Baccarelli, A.
- Acosta-Perez, E.
- Eng, C.
- Han, Y.-Y.
- Boutaoui, N.
- Laprise, C.
- Davies, G.A.
- Hopkin, J.M.
- Moffatt, M.F.
- Cookson, W.O.C.M.
- Canino, G.
- Burchard, E.G.
- Celedón, J.C.
ISSN: 1097-6825, 0091-6749
Year of publication: 2017
Volume: 140
Issue: 2
Pages: 571-577
Type: Article