Frecuentación en nuestra área de urgencias

  1. Reyes Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel
  2. Pérez Silguero, David
  3. García Delpech, Salvador
  4. Medina Rivero, F.
  5. Pareja Ríos, Alicia Cristina
Archivos de la Sociedad Canaria de Oftalmología

ISSN: 0211-2698

Year of publication: 1999

Issue: 10

Pages: 45-48

Type: Article

More publications in: Archivos de la Sociedad Canaria de Oftalmología


Objective/Method: During 12 months we have undertaken a prospective study of the 903 patients assisted in ophthalmic emergencies in the HMI of Las Palmas. The observation has been focused on the following data: date, day of the week (working day, public holiday or day before a public holiday), time, sex, age, pathology and if the patient was to be admited or not. Results/Conclusions: In relation with the moment of the visit, in July, August and September we received 31 % patients, 37% attended on public holidays or the day before them and 80% were seen during the morning or afternoon shift. In relation with the patients themselves, 55.14% were male, most of them were between 20 and 40 years old, 40% came to us because of traumatic pathologies and only 6.9 % had to be admitted.