Distribución de portadores de lentes de contacto en nuestro medio

  1. García Delpech, S.
  2. Pareja Ríos, A.
  3. Medina Rivero, F.
  4. Teillard, H.
  5. Sánchez Méndez, M.
  6. Quijada Fumero, E.
Revista española de contactología

ISSN: 1989-7111

Year of publication: 1997

Volume: 7

Issue: 2

Pages: 91-95

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de contactología


Objective: We report the distribution of patients wearing contact lenses in a population of Tenerife and we try to compare the results with previous articles. Design: We use e-mail and computer programs to study 7 years of an ophthalmological clinic from Santa Cruz, in Tenerife. Results: We find 311 patients who used contact lenses, 221 women and 90 men, 591 lenses are distributed as 528 soft contact lenses and 63 rigid, 27 patients carne to the clinic usually before decide to have a contact lense, but the other patients carne asking directly for a contact lense, 14 of the patients had Keratoconus. Conclusions: We descibe the caracteristics of a «standard patien» who carnes to ask for a contact lens in our environment.