Restauración y metamorfosis de los valores del patrimonio cultural

  1. Antonio Jesús, Sánchez, Fernández
Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie VII, Historia del arte

ISSN: 1130-4715

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 1

Pages: 347-372

Type: Article

More publications in: Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie VII, Historia del arte


This work aims to study the values of cultural heritage as a key aspect in the activity of the Restoration. The appreciation of these values is complex because it involves factors such as diversity (there are many types of factors -cultural, economic, politic, aesthetic...-) or changes over time. Therefore, such values determine the decisions made. However, we are witnesses to the transformation of the cultural system in matters of protection of heritage. First, the meanings and values of the cultural property are classified, and the main mechanisms of the transformation are identified, along with the role played by the Mass Media in influencing perceptions of cultural heritage. Finally, some revaluation guidelines of cultural objects are proposed. Furthermore, the discipline of semiotics is used as a transversal tool for the evaluation of cultural values. Thus, it is affirmed here that cultural property and restored objects behave as a communicative structure.

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