Pensar el aceleracionismo, ¿con o contra Marx? El fragmento sobre las máquinas a debate en el S. XXI
- Lorena Acosta Iglesias
- Nantu Arroyo
ISSN: 1139-3327
Año de publicación: 2019
Número: 22
Páginas: 178-205
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Argumentos de razón técnica: Revista española de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad, y filosofía de la tecnología
In this article we present some of the main theses of accelerationism understood as a postmaterialist approach that seeks to achieve social revolution towards total emancipation in a post-capitalist state through the acceleration of technological processes. In turn, we explore to what extent they are heirs, as they call themselves, of the Marxian diagnosis that rests on the famous “Fragment on Machines” of the Grundrisse. Finally, we analyze how the accelerationist positioning would affect the theory of Marxian value itself as the fundamental nucleus of its critique.
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