Marine Protected Areas, Small-Scale Commercial Versus Recreational Fishers: Governability Challenges in the Canary Islands, Spain
- José J. Pascual-Fernández 1
- Raquel De la Cruz-Modino 1
- Chinea-Mederos, Inés 1
Universidad de La Laguna
ISSN: 2212-6260, 2212-6279
ISBN: 9783319170336, 9783319170343
Datum der Publikation: 2015
Seiten: 397-412
Art: Buch-Kapitel
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are promoted as an effective model for the management of marine areas worldwide. They are not only a technical management measure but also a social institution that interacts with existing use rights. In the Canary Islands, several marine reserves have already been created, while others have been proposed. Some of the already created protected areas were promoted and supported by small-scale fi sher organizations. Newly proposed areas are to be backed by different institutions and small-scale fi shers. For small-scale fi shers marine reserves have some advantages in terms of co-governance and increased involvement in rule making and surveillance. However, increasingly, other stakeholders like recreational fi shers are demanding inclusion in the governing process. It is recreational fi shers who are usually the most unsupportive of MPAs and thus pose governability challenges. Involving them, therefore, in discussion about MPAs may help improve governability although it will require institution building on their side. We conclude that MPAs’ inception processes are both a challenge and an opportunity for governability, as they promote new patterns of interactions between stakeholder groups.
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