Diferencias de personalidad y síndromes clínicos en el drogodependiente: variables relevantes con el tipo de consumo y la adherencia al tratamiento

  1. Arbaiza Diaz del Río, Iria
  2. Coullaut-Valera, Rafael
  3. Correas, Ángeles
  4. Coullaut-Valera, Juan
  5. Bajo, Ricardo
Revista española de drogodependencias

ISSN: 0213-7615

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 42

Pages: 57-69

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de drogodependencias


This study aims to evaluate the presence of personality patterns and clinical syndromes in a sample of addicts to substances and know how these variables are related to the type of consumption and adherence to treatment. The sample is composed by 72 subjects who were carrying out treatment for abuse/dependence on substances, who completed the MCMI-III after two months of abstinence. The study indicates associated and specific personality traits in the addicted population´s psychopathology. The most prevalent personality scales in the consumer subjects were the antisocial scale followed by the paranoid scale. They also show symptomatology associated with anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and thought disorder. By focusing on the type of use, it is observed that alcoholic subjects had symptomatology associated with dysthymia, while polyconsumers reflected more narcissistic symptoms. Note that the features of borderline personality and bipolar symptomatology show a worse prognosis for recovery.

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