An Approach to Obligatory Secondary Education Teachers’ Perception Regarding Orientation Processes and Response to Diversity
- Morales, María Sandra Marrero 2
- Hormiga, Milagros De la Rosa 1
- Díaz-González, Candelaria de la Merced
- Pérez-Jorge, David 1
- Jiménez, María del Carmen Rodríguez
Universidad de La Laguna
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España
ISSN: 2152-7180, 2152-7199
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 06
Issue: 05
Pages: 606-612
Type: Article
More publications in: Psychology
The fact of providing the adequate attention to the educational needs of students in the schoolcontext is a challenge that requires both from teachers and parents the development of a set ofcompetencies to let them maximize their capacities both individually and socially. Objective: Todesign an instrument to evaluate the teachers’ degree of knowledge regarding the treatment ofdiversity in secondary school centers and the effectiveness of the education response obtainedfrom them. Sample: 101 teachers from five educational centers in the northern region of the islandof Tenerife. Instrument: The questionnaire “Questionnaire on attitudes towards the attention todiversity and orientation processes in Obligatory Secondary Education (CADESO)”. Conclusion: Theinternal consistency of the proposed instrument, in general terms, has been proved to be satisfactory. It can be stated that this questionnaire appears to be a useful and reliable instrument tomeasure the objectives proposed in the study.
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