Discurso presente de la animación sociocultural en EspañaEstudio exploratorio
- Pérez-Pérez, Itahisa 1
- Corzán Ripol, Fco. Javier 2
- Valero, Ximo 3
Universidad de La Laguna
- 2 Redolar
- 3 Auca Projectes Educatius
ISSN: 1698-4404
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 33
Type: Article
More publications in: Quaderns d'animació i educació social
During the four decades of existence of Sociocultural Animation in Spain, it has gone through different periods, currently being the most complex and diffuse in terms of visibility, activism and future projection. The origin of this discipline in our country dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, as a consequence of industrial development, although it is from the middle of the 19th century, when social deficiencies emanate and the need to respond to social transformations and construction of their own social and cultural identity. It is in the democratic era where the ASC advances rapidly, with the eighties being its most critical moment with social leaders coordinating the socio-cultural work of their territory. In the nineties, it was formalized with the university degree in Social Education -which includes a Sociocultural Animation subject- and the ASC Professional Training degree (initially called “Specialist Technicians in Sociocultural Animation”, later “Sociocultural Animation Technician -TASOC - ”and currently“ Senior Technician in Sociocultural and Tourist Animation- TASOCT- ”). However, we are currently experiencing a moment of slowdown, and even a stoppage of socio-cultural initiatives, in a state of social conformism added to the socio-health crisis that has caused Covid19 worldwide, which requires a reactivation of social and community initiatives. We present an exploratory descriptive study, focused on a qualitative methodology through the analysis of the discourse of the interviews carried out with technical professionals in Sociocultural Animation. Its objective is to detect and analyze the perceptions that these professionals have about current ASC based on five themes: conceptualization, practice, present, dignity and social changes.
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