El procesamiento de los números arábigos : una aproximación desde la neuropsicología cognitiva

  1. Salguero Alcañiz, María Pilar
Dirixida por:
  1. José Ramón Alameda Bailén Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 18 de xullo de 2007

  1. Fernando Cuetos Vega Presidente/a
  2. Javier García Orza Secretario/a
  3. Alberto Domínguez Martínez Vogal
  4. Luis Carlos Contreras González Vogal
  5. Susana Gaspara Paíno Quesada Vogal

Tipo: Tese


In this work has been realized an examination of the numerical processing and the calculation to 19 patients with cerebral injury. For it there has been used a battery of evaluation that consists of six blocks: numerical comprehension, numerical recodification, signs arithmetical, calculation, lexical numerical knowledge and numerical sequence.The patients split in accordance with two criteria. First, the place of the injury: left hemisphere, right hemisphere and generalized damage. Second, according to the state of conservation of the production of the lenguage: normal, lightly affected and seriously affected. The results show that the system of numerical processing and calculation is formed by four independent components: quantitative numerical knowledge, qualitative or lexical numerical knowledge, calculation and numerical recodification. As conclusion proposes to itself a model integrated by these four components, which are located in cerebral different areas and depend of different skills cognitive.