Die Geschichte eines tiefbegabten Kindes. Herausforderungen der Übersetzung von Kinderliteratur. Ein korpusbasierter Übersetzungsvergleich
- Hernández Socas, Elia 1
- Teresa Molés-Cases 2
- Gloria Torralba Miralles
Universidad de La Laguna
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Argitaletxea: Peter Lang
ISBN: 9783631824221
Argitalpen urtea: 2020
Mota: Liburuko kapitulua
Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak
The aim of this study is to analyse Andreas Steinhöfel’s children’s book Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten (2008) as well as the Spanish and Catalan translations (Rico, Óscar y el secuestrador del súper, translated by Mario Santos Sousa, 2011, and El cas del macarró gratinat, translated by Ramon Monton, 2011). The research focuses on two di erent translation problems: first, the translation of motion events in which manner is lexicalized differently; and second, the translation of culturally specific references. Molés-Cases’ model developed specifically for the analysis of such structures (2016) is used to investigate the motion events. The theoretical basis for the second unit of analysis of this contribution is the categorisation of the translation techniques proposed by Marco (2004). The methodology used for the translation comparison is a corpus-based analysis, which includes the three examined children’s books, and has a total of 125,000 tokens. Two methods are combined to identify the translation units in the corpora: manual annotation and reading, and an automatic search using the Corpus Query Processor. A comparison of the Spanish and Catalan translations is carried out in order to determine the translation techniques used.