Discovery of a Trypanosomatid serine/threonine kinase protein ("Jean3"). Molecular analysis and applications

  1. Vacas Oleas, Andrés Fernando
Dirixida por:
  1. Paul Alain Nguewa Kamsu Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 12 de decembro de 2017

  1. Basilio Valladares Hernández Presidente
  2. Guillermo Martínez de Tejada de Garaizabal Secretario/a
  3. Manuel Carlos López López Vogal
  4. Alfonso Tlatoani García Sosa Vogal
  5. Maria Paola Costi Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 146850 DIALNET


Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), such as leishmaniasis and Chagas disease, cripple countless people, destroy billions of dollars of incomes, weaken communities and slow the progress of the affected areas. Moreover, they preferably attack humans that live in the most isolated communities and who are the least able to defend themselves. As a result, in 2012 and inspired by the World Health Organization (WHO), the London Declaration was signed by many partners committed to eradicate or control 10 neglected diseases by 2020, visceral leishmaniasis and Chagas disease among them. The partners of the declaration have committed not only to sustain, expand and extend drug access programs to ensure the necessary supply of drugs and other interventions to help control various NTDs by 2020, but also to advance R&D through partnerships and provision of funding to find next generation treatments and interventions for neglected diseases. The economic impact derived from the achievement of the ambitious commitments from the London Declaration on NTDs will be overwhelming for the economic growth of some of the poorest regions in the world. Therefore, to gain insight into Leishmania spp. mechanisms of drug resistance and the immunomodulatory effect these parasites have in the host, the aim of this Ph.D. project was the discovery of a trypanosomatid serine/threonine protein kinase (“Jean3”), its molecular analysis and applications. The data derived from this thesis work would be a valuable contribution to the scientific community in the future development of new treatments and vaccines to combat leishmaniasis.