Tecnopatías post-alfabéticaslectoescritura performativa y somatización de internet

  1. Ferreira Martin, Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Aurora Fernández Polanco Director
  2. José María Parreño Velasco Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 26 January 2021

  1. Rut Martín Hernández Chair
  2. María Andueza Olmedo Secretary
  3. María Sonsoles Hernández Barbosa Committee member
  4. Bárbara Sainza Fraga Committee member
  5. Tania Castellano San Jacinto Committee member

Type: Thesis


Post-Alphabetic Technopathologies: Performative literacy and somatization of the internet is a document of about 68MB and 400 pages which addresses the problems of language on the internet and how these influence bodies. From the first choppy message broadcast on the ARPANET in 1969 to the current hyperstimulation of ICT, the internet de-codes alphabetical matter and generates a tension axis between its supra-human distribution speeds and the assimilation by users. The research orbits in the first instance on the post-alphabetic concept collected in Franco Beradi's book Post-Alpha Generation: Pathologies and imaginaries in semiocapitalism, published in 2007. Thus, the term is updated by inserting it into the Internet 2.0 generations; pathologies are considered as technological somatizations; imaginaries are interpreted based on their propagation through digital literacy, and semiocapitalism is specified according to the new terms capitalinguism and the internet of language or IOL. Language fractures in the efficient dynamics of ICT cause the significants prevails over the meanings and the quantitative to become qualitative. The alphabetic mutation is identified from the printing press to the dislocation on the QWERTY keyboard, passing through computer languages and texts dumped by a myriad of softwares, algorithms and Artificial Intelligences. The second part is devoted to speculating on bodies and potential mental states understood as a consequence of the informational abuse and the competitive and proactive logic of digital neoliberianism. The way in which we relate to ICT is conveyed by the quick touches on the screen and by the new surrogate tactility, by the dry gaze and scarce of blink and by all kinds of postures forced by the dependence that hyperconnectivity brings. Specific and clearly localized technopathologies in the organism are combined with the blurring of psychosomatic and choreograph a spasmodic behavior. In short, it reflects on whether new technological habits can form new bodies. The doctoral thesis implements a metalanguage that reformats the different sections, from acknowledgments and indexes to conclusions. It is about making the symbolic interstices of digital misunderstandings fertile with performative writing processes conjugated through the user-software relationship. This artistic research based on signifiers goes from chance to causality —apophenia— and moves between the visuality and the visionary. Finally, it should be noted that the research exceeds the document because it has been disseminated throughout the duration of the doctorate by the author’s social networks profiles and by different reference art rooms of the Spanish panorama.