Estudio sobre la metodología llevada a cabo en el aula AICLE en un centro educativo público de Tenerife

  1. Francisco Déniz, Sergio David 1
  2. Mallorquín Rodríguez, María Saray 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna

    Universidad de La Laguna

    San Cristobal de La Laguna, España


Tendencias pedagógicas

ISSN: 1133-2654

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Paulo Freire in his centenary: Commitment, ethics and hope

Issue: 38

Pages: 148-159

Type: Article

DOI: 10.15366/TP2021.38.013 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Tendencias pedagógicas


Nowadays, there are multiple ways of applying methodologies in the teaching-learning process in bilingual educational contexts. This fact can be appreciated in schools and high schools all over the country. However, the lack of standardized criteria in planning learning situations as well as in their implementation usually causes inconclusive results about their effectiveness or reliability. Therefore, it is necessary the demand for a strategic plan that can be standardized and applicable to the whole network of schools. There are several factors that stand out in the results which have been observed in previous research as well as in the present study. In this sense, we have set out to pay attention to several issues such as the level of motivation and self-esteem/confidence of the learners, the methodology and the transference of the learning to informal and non-formal contexts. The present research has been carried out in a public school in the island of Tenerife. This public-school counts with a full CLIL project and semi-CLIL project. This group of participants, 121 students of Secondary Education, is characterized by being mostly Spanish and have not been part of a CLIL group in the previous course or group. The results obtained in this research have proved mainly negative and will be analyzed later. Finally, the main conclusions will be laid out to reflect on and suggest a reconsideration of the principles that are not being implemented efficiently and successfully.

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