Marcadores neurofisiológicos y conductuales tempranos de vulnerabilidad al inicio en el consumo de alcohol en adolescentes

  1. Antón Toro, Luis Fernando
Supervised by:
  1. Fernando Maestú Unturbe Director
  2. Ricardo Bruña Fernández Director
  3. María de los Ángeles Correas Marín Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 23 June 2021

  1. Javier González Marqués Chair
  2. Juan Francisco Navas Pérez Secretary
  3. Miguel Pérez García Committee member
  4. Eduardo Martinez Castillo Committee member
  5. Almudena Capilla Committee member

Type: Thesis


Binge Drinking (BD) is an increasingly widespread drinking pattern among adolescents. This type of consumption is characterized by the ingestion of large amounts of alcohol in short periods of time, leading the organism to states of ethyl intoxication. This pattern of consumption is particularly harmful to the adolescent’s brain because they are in a period of intense neuromaturative changes. These brain’s developmental changes entail the development of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral self-regulatory (SR) capacities necessary for adaptation to the social environment. In this context, it has been shown that alcohol consumption in BD causes various brain alterations with neuropsychological, anatomical, and functional consequences. However, nowadays remains obscure the possible involvement of predisposing factors that make certain adolescents more vulnerable to initiating risk behaviors, such as BD use. Within this framework, some longitudinal researches have proposed that certain dysfunctions in executive self-regulatory mechanisms could be a potential vulnerability factor for the initiation of consumption...