In Situ Investigation of the Cytotoxic and Interfacial Characteristics of Titanium When Galvanically Coupled with Magnesium Using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
- Asserghine, A.
- Ashrafi, A.M.
- Mukherjee, A.
- Petrlak, F.
- Heger, Z.
- Svec, P.
- Richtera, L.
- Nagy, L.
- Souto, R.M.
- Nagy, G.
- Adam, V.
ISSN: 1944-8252, 1944-8244
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Alea: 13
Zenbakia: 36
Orrialdeak: 43587-43596
Mota: Artikulua