"Sensus vitae et Angustia"El Cristianismo y la experiencia de la Angustia

  1. Juan Pedro Rivero González
Almogaren: revista del Centro Teológico de Las Palmas

ISSN: 1695-2669

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Titel der Ausgabe: In memorian Policarpo Delgado Perdomo (1949-2016)

Nummer: 59

Seiten: 23-49

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Almogaren: revista del Centro Teológico de Las Palmas


Anguish as a signal of human existence can be good or bad, set off by external circumstances or by interior predisposition and there are also man y ways to deal wirh it. Philosophy and psychology have sufficient knowledge of comprehensions, theories or therapies that try to respond to the phenomenon of anguish from different points of view. This study is an attempt to reconsider the answers that emerged from theological work in dialogue with other disciplines and to recognize that every anguish, whatever its origin, can be redeemed.