Propuesta de desarrollo de un paleoparque en la reserva de la biosfera de Anaga (Tenerife, Islas Canarias)

  1. C. Castillo Ruiz 1
  2. P. Cruzado-Caballero
  3. C. Jimenez-Gomis 1
  4. J. Núñez 1
  5. M.C. Alfayate 1
  6. A. Ahijado 1
  7. J. L. Saorín 1
  8. I. Sánchez Berriel 1
  9. C.R. Sánchez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna

    Universidad de La Laguna

    San Cristobal de La Laguna, España


El Patrimonio Geológico: Una nueva visión de la tierra
  1. Esther Martín González
  2. Juan J. Coello Bravo
  3. Juana Vegas Salamanca

Publisher: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

ISBN: 978-84-9138-082-5

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 161-166

Type: Book chapter


In this work, it is presented a proposal to set up a Paleopark as a versatile protection figure, to preserve in situ the unique palaeontological information found in the palaeontological sites located in the Macizo de Anaga Biosphere Reserve (Tenerife, Canary Islands). The canarian fossil record is exceptional in nature and greatly relevant due to its conservation in a geological and palaeobiological context of recent oceanic and (active) volcanic islands (Neogene and Quaternary). Anaga’s fossil record is mainly constituted by Quaternary marine and terrestrial fossil sites, having a great cultural, educational, touristic and scientific potential (presence of index fossils, palaeobiological, taphonomic, geological, palaeoclimatological and geomorphological information). With the initiative Anaga PaleoPark, we envisage to count on a palaeontological reserve with geohistorical data really useful in Biodiversity Conservation. Furthermore, it will contribute to the development of the Macizo de Anaga Biosphere Reserve Action Plan, reassessing the palaeontological resources and encouraging economic and human development of the area sustainable from a sociocultural point of view, by creating new cultural resources with 3D methodologies.