Dirigir la empresa turística para satisfacer al consumidor
- 1 Universidad de La Laguna, España
ISSN: 1988-5261
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 7
Issue: 16
Type: Article
More publications in: TURYDES: Revista sobre Turismo y Desarrollo local sostenible
Marketers have tried to understand the tourist and to satisfy his desires and needs better than the competition. The increasing tourist sophistication, the market maturity and competition and the own characteristics of the tourism (intangible nature, different geo-cultures, high number of intermediaries and processes) have made possible a backing of the processes of marketing and of loyalty. It is stated in the literature that the satisfaction of the tourist influences in a direct and positive way in the loyalty of the consumer and in the results of the companies. This paper includes a review of the studies on the consumer satisfaction in the tourist area.
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