Darreres aportacions al coneixement del paleolític superior final al vessant sud dels pirineus occidentals catalansLa transició entre el magdalenià superior i el magdalenià mitjà a la Cova del Parco (alòs de Balaguer, la Noguera)

  1. Xavier Mangado
  2. Marta Sánchez de la Torre
  3. José-Miquel Tejero
  4. Natàlia Egüez
  5. Gala García-Argüdo
  6. Óscar Pérez-Parque
  7. Josep Maria Fullola
  8. Maria Àngels Petit
  9. Raül Bartrolí
Primeres Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia de Ponent: Balaguer i Lleida, 17 i 18 d’abril de 2015

Publisher: Departamento de Cultura ; Generalidad de Cataluña = Generalitat de Catalunya

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 60-67

Congress: Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia de Ponent (1. 2015. Balaguer i Lleida)

Type: Conference paper


Cova del Parco has become a clear international reference as archaeological site concerning the climatic, chronological and cultural sequences for the studies on the Magdalenian in the Southern slopes of the eastern Pyrenees. For more than the last 25 years of excavation, the site reveals its complexity to an interdisciplinary team of researchers of The Seminar of Studies and Researches in Prehistory (SERP) from the University of Barcelona. The development of the last fi eldwork campaigns on the archaeological site of Cova del Parco reveals a slightly change on the patterns of occupation and use of the domestic space, and at the same time some changes also in the cultural record. Around the XV millennia BP, several concomitant changes allow us to consider a diff erent cultural stage in the site, the middle Magdalenian, in which we are still working. In this paper we analyse some changes concerning lithic procurement and lithic technology, bone industry modifi cations and spatial variations in the transition between upper and middle Magdalenian at Cova del Parco