El impacto de la enfermería en la pandemia del COVID-19
- Thalía Marisol Rigopoulos Acosta 1
- María Mercedes Arias Hernández 1
Universidad de La Laguna
ISSN: 1887-2255
Any de publicació: 2020
Número: 28
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Tesela: Revista de la Asociación Nacional de Directivos de Enfermería
Objective: To describe the mortality and prevalence rate of COVID-19 in Spain and in European countries until 18 April 2020, and to analyze the relationship between COVID-19 mortality with nurse and bed rates, in addition to the prevalence with percentage of GDP invested in health expenditure. Methods: Ecological comparison study to measure the correlation between mortality and prevalence rates by COVID-19. Prevalence and mortality data were adjusted and various variables were studied through a descriptive sample analysis and inference between prevalence and mortality rates with the number of nurses, beds, percentage of GDP invested in health expenditure. Results: There is a significant correlation (R=0.579) between the nurses' and COVI-19 mortality rate with a 95% significance (p=0.049). There is also a strong correlation (R=0.862) between the percentage of GDP invested in health expenditure and the prevalence with a significance of 99% (p=0.001). A slight correlation between bed rate and mortality without statistical significance is assessed. Conclusions: The study shows that the countries with the highest rate of nurses have lower mortality rates and, those countries that invest more gross domestic product in health spending develop lower prevalence rate by COVID-19.
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