Efectos de la fertilización en el suelo y pastizales de la meseta de Teno, Tenerife. II.
- E. Chinea
- H. García-Estévez
- T. Alarcón
- J.L. Mora
- Arantza Aldezabal (coord.)
- Ana Aizpurua (coord.)
- Isabel Albizu Beitia (coord.)
- Amaya Ortiz Barredo (coord.)
- Sorkunde Mendarte Azcue (coord.)
- Roberto Ruiz (coord.)
Publisher: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos
ISBN: 978-84-611-9642-5
Year of publication: 2007
Congress: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos. Reunión Científica (46. 2007. Vitoria-Gasteiz)
Type: Conference paper
The rough grassland ecosystems of Teno Meseta (Teno Rural Park) shows a variable productionalong years and seasons. This implies that the goat cattle supplementary feeding constituteslittle more than half of their nutritives needs. This essay was developed during two years (2005and 2006) and has been followed since 2003. It was carried out to determine the effect of theapplication of urban solid waste and phosphoric fertilization (phosphoric rock and calciumsuperphosphate) on the quality improvement and production of the rough grassland. The mostinfluential treatment on the ground fertility turned out to be the application of urban solidwastes. This increases the chemical quality of the ground soils (M.O. 6,87%; N 0,42%; P(Olsen) 78,32 ppm; exchange Ca 31,36 meq/100gr) without turning out imbalances associatedto the concentration of the nutrients. The calcium superphosphate was the most influentialtreatment on the fodder quality (P 0,39%; Ca 1,20%; Mg 0,32%). The phosphoric rockinfluence was low, but on the other hand it is the only treatment which increases the productionof dry matter (3753 kg MS/ha).