The role of Food Safety Agencies in the evaluation, communication and management of risks associated with microplastics in food

  1. Carmen Rubio-Armendáriz
  2. Álvaro Daschner 1
  3. Elena González Fandos
  4. María José González Muñoz
  5. M. Victoria Moreno-Arribas
  6. Pau Talens Oliag
  7. Juana Bustos García de Castro 1
  1. 1 Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN)
25 th EFSA colloquium ‘A coordinated approach to assess the human health risks of micro- and nanoplastics in food’

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


A scientific report based on solid scientific data has been published by AESAN Identifying the most relevant dietary sources of microplastics, knowing the occurrence of the different molecules and polymers and their relevance in terms of exposure will contribute to focus future research projects, regulatory initiatives and monitoring programs. It is the interest of AESAN to promote research on MP and NP in the food supply and contribute to fill the identified knowledge gaps. Toxicokinetic; biomarkers of exposure; toxicity in experimental animals/models like acute toxicity, repeat dose and chronic toxicity; mode of action of the different MP and the observations in humans (Acute and Chronic effects); health based guidance values (dose response models and selection of critical reference points) Assessing the Spanish population dietary exposure to MP should be a challenge for our Food Safety experts and networking among the research groups should be promoted through our national food agencies and EFSA.