El turismo como sistema significativoideas para la gestión de las empresas turísticas

  1. José Alberto Martínez González
TURYDES: Revista sobre Turismo y Desarrollo local sostenible

ISSN: 1988-5261

Año de publicación: 2013

Volumen: 6

Número: 14

Páginas: 11

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: TURYDES: Revista sobre Turismo y Desarrollo local sostenible


Tourism constitutes a significant system. It is a system because it integrates, in a global and local way, elements and diverse processes that receive inputs to offer outputs tourist; it is significant because it constitutes a sector with a high economic and social impact, and because it is interrelated with other sectors. The relation is so important that tourism constitute, now in time of crisis, a sector that impulse the others. At present the tourist system is recognized by its complexity, by its multidisciplinary character, by its chaotic and not linear nature, and by its necessary sustainability and social responsibility, aspects that the tourist companies must consider. The present work synthesizes the keys of the tourism significant and show the principal tourist systemic models.