Analysis of mummified intestines samples from the El Chorrillo (Canary Islands, Spain)The recovery of macroscopic and microscopic evidence of dietary practices

  1. Karl J. Reinhard 1
  2. Mercedes Martín-Oval 2
  3. Mercedes Del-Arco-Aguilar 3
  4. Conrado Rodríguez-Maffiotte-Martín 3
  5. Mª del Carmen Del-Arco-Aguilar 4
  1. 1 lnstitute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  2. 2 Instituto Canario de Bioantropología OAMC. Cabildo de Tenerife
  3. 3 Museo Arqueológico de Tenerife. OAMC-Cabildo de Tenerife
  4. 4 Departamento de Geografía e Historia. Universidad de La Laguna
Canarias Arqueológica: Arqueología-Bioantropología

Année de publication: 2021

Titre de la publication: Symposium in memoriam Arthur C. Aufderheide the scientist, the friend ( 1922-2013)

Número: 22

Pages: 483-494

Type: Article


The analysis of intestinal samples from the El Chorrillo Mummy resulted in the recovery of dietary residues. The intestine segments were rehydrated and the interior and exterior surfaces were analyzed for plant and animal residues. Starch, pollen, probable crustacean fragments, and a seed were recovered from the internal surfaces of the intestine segments.The analysis of the exterior surface was covered with silica sand with sorne environmental pollen types.The analysis shows that this individual ate wild seeds, heath flowers or foliage with flowers, cultivated grass, crustacea, and a source of starch.