Mummies under the Wadi.Preliminary study of a burial deposit in theban tomb 209 (South Asasif, Egypt)

  1. Jared Carballo 1
  2. Miguel Ángel Molinero-Polo 1
  1. 1 Prehistoria, Arqueología e Historia Ant igua Facultad de Humanidades. Universidad de La Laguna
Canarias Arqueológica: Arqueología-Bioantropología

Año de publicación: 2021

Título del ejemplar: Symposium in memoriam Arthur C. Aufderheide the scientist, the friend ( 1922-2013)

Número: 22

Páginas: 615-628

Tipo: Artículo


Theban Tomb 209 (South Asasif, West Bank, Luxor), was built during the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty, probably during the second half of t he 8th century BCE. lt was reused as a burial place during Persian and Ptolemaic Periods, and was filled by sediments carried by floodwaters that passed through the Wadi Hatasun until it was completely covered in the following centuries. A preliminary study of three mummies discovered during the work of the Archaeological Mission of t he University of La Laguna is presented in this paper. They were uncovered during the 2018 season, in one of the side chambers of the tomb, being the upper level of a larger mortuary deposit whose excavation is still in progress.These preliminary studies were undertaken from the perspective of osteoarchaeology, which combines disciplines such as physical anthropology and funerary archaeology in order to reconstruct life and death in ancient populations.