An innovative educational project in Higher Education based on the experience of being a teacher in Texas

  1. Noemí Peña Sánchez
Early Childhood Education Conference " International Trends and Dimensions without Borders"

Publisher: University of Sopron Press

ISBN: 978-963-334-326-5

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 162

Congress: International Trends and Dimensions in educational sciences without Borders. 12th Training and practice international conference on educational sicences

Type: Conference paper


It describes the main ideas and results of the Innovative Educational Project Digital Learning Centers:timing, participation and reflection carried out in the University of La Laguna. Among its objectives wehighlight transferring of methodological strategies of the Texas Curriculum in the university classrooms.We also assess whether the factors that we have been identified as meaningful in the District educationalmodel are equally important in the academic training of our university students.Having been teaching for three school years in a public District in Texas provides us a valuableexperience to understand the Texas Curriculum from theory to practice. The three key factors werechosen because of the of the great student responses we got, as well as the wide variety of methodologystrategies we can easily incorporate in our teaching practice. We also consider the way technologieshave been introduced to students, as well as the specific methodology of the The Dual LanguageProgram implemented by the school district.According with these aspects, some innovative practices have been designed and implemented in twoArt education subjects in the university. Undergraduate and graduate students learn by doing while theytake an active role in their individual and collaborative learning. Undoubtedly, we maximize our timecreating a digital classroom in which students may contribute and follow it outside the classroom