Magallanes antes de partirsu relación con el monasterio de Nuestra Señora de la Victora a raíz de un documento inédito

  1. Mariano Gambín García 1
  1. 1 Instituto de Estudios Canarios

    Instituto de Estudios Canarios

    San Cristobal de La Laguna, España

XXIV Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana
  1. Elena Acosta Guerrero (coord.)

Publisher: Casa de Colón

Year of publication: 2021

Congress: Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (24. 2020. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Type: Conference paper


Historiography’s attention to the preparations for the Magellan expedition has focused on the economic and logistical aspects, given the documentation provided. There is also another lesser-known facet, which is the navigator’s relationship with the church of the monastery of Our Lady of Victory, where he heard the last Mass in Seville before leaving and where he swore obedience and fidelity to the King of Castile. Magellan endowed the monastery with a significant amount before beginning his journey. Why did he choose this monastery? What was the Portuguese’s relationship with him? What was his legacy and what happened to him? In this communication we will try to respond to this dark aspect of the character’s biography